
Science Night

The annual event Science Night took place at the Technical University of Liberec on 24th September 2021. This year´s topic was “Time”

The Faculty of Health Studies enabled the participants to see a fully equipped ambulance, ultrasounds and other diagnostic tools used by biomedical engineers, as well as tools and instruments used by nursing professionals over time.

Furthermore, the participants could carry out resuscitation using a training manikin (SimMan), learn more about the very first minutes of life of a newborn or about evolution of radiology.

Science Night is a popularization event. Its aim is to show that science is by no means a boring subject. It takes place across the EU countries on the same night. Technical University of Liberec together with 20 other universities and 40 science centers, observatories and other institutions participated.

27. 10. 2021
General partners
  • KNL, a.s.
  • LK
  • ZZS LK