
FZS TUL is engaged in the field of healthcare and non-physician medical disciplines. Development of scientific, research, development and innovation, and other creative activities (hereinafter only creative activities) of FZS TUL is primarily focused on the area of ​​accredited study programmes for training of non-physician healthcare professionals, i.e. the field of General Nursing, Paramedic, Biomedical Technology, Biomedical Engineering and Radiological Assistance. Creative activities also focus on physiotherapy and rehabilitation care, robotic rehabilitation devices, microbiology and epidemiology.

FZS TUL systematically develops creative activities in cooperation with other faculties and the institute of the University and healthcare providers. Academic staff are members of research teams (see https://www.rvvi.cz/cep). Creative activity is also kept in the records of projects solved at TUL (see http://www.tul.cz/projekty), in the Annual Reports on TUL activities (see http://www.tul.cz/uredni-deska/uredni-deska-tul/vyrocni-zpravy) and in the Annual reports on the activities of FZS TUL (see https://www.fzs.tul.cz/uredni-deska/vyrocni-zpravy).

The creative activity of FZS TUL consists mainly in the publishing activities of the Faculty members and also in the involvement of students in various projects (e.g. within the Student Grant Competition). Both academic staff and students are motivated to participate in various programmes to support creative and scientific research activities, the output of which are peer-reviewed texts, conference papers, as well as other scientific results. FZS TUL systematically implements and develops creative activities corresponding to the field of education and the profile of non-physician study programmes. Creative activity is focused on the field of healthcare using the potential of the University. TUL and its components, including FZS TUL, deal with scientific grants and projects that are professionally related to some areas to which the study programmes belong. Recently, these are new technologies in healthcare and the related application area. The University and the Faculty have achieved significant success in the field of application to healthcare, e.g. addressing healthcare associated infections, including biofilms, new opportunities and effectiveness of teaching, experience with simulation teaching and healthcare innovations, such as the use of robotic systems in rehabilitation and assistive robotics, instrumental technologies etc.

In accordance with the long-term strategic plan of the Faculty and the plan for the implementation of the strategic plan, FZS TUL currently focuses on three main research areas: prevention of healthcare associated infections, new opportunities and effectiveness of teaching and new innovations in healthcare, including public health.

In the field of prevention of healthcare associated infections, FZS TUL deals with nanofibrous materials for biomedical applications, prevention and reduction of the incidence and spread of healthcare associated infections, tissue culture research in the prevention of healthcare associated infections and visualization of healthcare associated infections using UV fluorescence.

In the field of new opportunities and effectiveness of teaching, FZS TUL deals with simulation teaching methods in various clinical situations, new possibilities and effectiveness of teaching simulation training methods, personal educational environment, education in non-physician medical disciplines and the effectiveness of the adaptation process in practice.

In the field of new innovations in healthcare, including public health, FZS TUL deals with waste disposal issues, their use to remove pathogenic bacteria and their resistance, new robotic systems and rehabilitation devices, efficiency improvement of magnetic resonance and developing new possibilities for magnetic resonance, basic cytotoxicity testing of newly developed nanoparticles, microbial water quality and conducts other activities.

FZS TUL implements projects from the Ministry of Education, TAČR and ESF. Due to these projects, study aids have been innovated and especially new teaching and research laboratories have been built. An example of new equipment is the acquisition of an ambulance simulator with complete and appropriate equipment, including equipment for simulation training. Another example are simulation laboratories used for practical teaching skills related to patient care (using computer technology and electronic recording and evaluation software, including electronic nursing documentation). The intention of FZS TUL is to further utilize special laboratories for testing materials under strictly aseptic conditions. At present, the Faculty also has newly established modern and very well equipped laboratories for teaching subjects within the study programme Radiological Assistance within the ERDF II project at TUL.

 In the field of creative activity and technology transfer, FZS mainly offers the following services:

  • contract research according to the partner's requirements,
  • cooperation in the transfer of knowledge and technology into clinical practice,
  • bioethics and other aspects of healthcare research,
  • solving research projects together with cooperating health service providers,
  • professional advice from various areas of healthcare in connection with scientific research activities and technology transfer, in particular focusing on non-physician healthcare professions,
  • finding a workplace for cooperation and finding out more information,
  • arranging contact with a particular employee or workplace at FZS TUL,
  • offer of proposed solutions in cooperation with institutes and departments of FZS TUL,
  • cooperation based on long-term knowledge and experience, especially in the field of science and research with application to non-physician medical disciplines,
  • organizing professional conferences, workshops and seminars,
  • use of special instrumentation and laboratory equipment with the possibility of testing and verification of product properties,
  • searching for possibilities of applying research in practice,
  • processing of professional searches,
  • analyses, studies and proposals, preparation of promotional activities in the field of technology transfer,
  • analysis of the demands of healthcare providers not only in the field of scientific research,
  • transfer of know-how according to the needs and requirements of the partner,
  • offer of cooperation in solving students' qualification theses (topics of bachelor's and master's theses),
  • exchange of experience.


General partners
  • KNL, a.s.
  • LK
  • ZZS LK