
2021 International Paramedic Competition in Komárno and excursion to Budapest

Upon the invitation by the Zamed Emergency Medical Service, the students of the Paramedic Study Programme of the Faculty of Health Studies took part in an international competition of paramedic teams, which took place on November 15–17, 2021 in Komárno, Slovakia.

They visited the Emergency Medical Service in Komárno, where they learned about the system of prehospital emergency care in Slovakia. The following day, they participated in a 2021 Komárno Rescue Competition, which was overlooked by experienced supervisors. The competition included 5 medical simulations which were located at the Marina Park in Komárno: resuscitation, anaphylactic shock with airway obstruction, hemorrhagic stroke and various other operations they can come across in field prehospital situations. Kateřina Najmanová and Natalie Rážová, students of the Faculty of Health Studies, were the only student crew among the professionals. They took 13th place, which is a success.

The following day, Mgr. Tomáš Dudich, the Assistant at the Faculty of Health Studies, took his students on an excursion to Budapest. They visited the central emergency station, ambulance fleet and the Kresz Géza Ambulance Museum of The National Ambulance Service. The day full of new findings was followed by a presentation of a child rendez-vous ambulance, where the senior paramedic showed them a special emergency vehicle and equipment.

Our thanks go to both the students who represented our faculty in a demanding and challenging competition. 

Excursion at the Hungarian Emergency Medical Service

Motorcycle ambulance


20. 12. 2021
General partners
  • KNL, a.s.
  • LK
  • ZZS LK