
Visit from the Wrocław Medical University

In December 2021 an academic from the Wrocław Medical University in Poland visited the Faculty of Health Studies of the Technical University in Liberec. The visit was initiated within the Erasmus+ programme.

Dr Paweł Gawłowski specialises in the area of emergency care and urgent medicine. He and the representatives of the management of the Faculty of Health Studies as well as paramedics discussed the possibilities of future cooperation. They expressed their interest in carrying out a mutual project in the area of urgent healthcare and decided to sign an inter-institutional agreement, which will enable the students and employees of both the Czech and Polish faculties to participate in various forms of mobilities.

Dr Paweł Gawłowski

21. 12. 2021
General partners
  • KNL, a.s.
  • LK
  • ZZS LK