
Project Days for Secondary Schools

Project Days for secondary schools took place at the Faculty of Health Studies in early February 2022.

On February 8, 2022 the very first students took part in a new project day called Medical Technology, which consisted of two parts. In the first part called Electricity in a human body, students learned that electricity has its inevitable role in a number of physiological processes. They learned how to monitor electric signals in a body and how such signals can be used by means of medical devices to detect various illnesses.

In the other part called Modern teaching simulators facilitating students´ training,  students got acquainted with the SimMan 3G simulator and its functions like simulation of secretion (perspiration, tearing, foaming at the mouth and earwax). They learned about the RFID technology, which enables to automatically recognize medicine, and about tools used for securing airways. They could see the simulation of an epileptic seizure and spasm and tried cardiac resuscitation.

General Nursing and Paramedic was a theme of the other project day, which took place on  February 10th, 2022. The first part was on World of Bacteria, where students learned to what extent bacteria can be found around us, how it can be cultivated on agar plates, and in the end they prepared a specimen from bacteria found inside their mouth.

The other part of the programme was on Modern rescue techniques. Students tried how to stop massive bleeding and how to resuscitate on modern patient simulators. Moreover, they saw the inside of an ambulance used for training purposes.

28. 2. 2022
General partners
  • KNL, a.s.
  • LK
  • ZZS LK