
Possibilities arising from the ERASMUS+ Programme in Finland for General Nursing and Paramedic Study Programmes

What was this year´s International Week like in Finland? Ms. Kateřina Prstková and Ms. Simona Nevyhošťená (two academics from our faculty) took part in a three-day event organised by the XAMK University in Savonlinna in Finland in March 2022. As XAMK is one of partner universities of the Faculty of Health Studies, both students of General Nursing and Paramedic Study Programmes, and employees (academics) at our faculty can have a mobility within the ERASMUS+ programme. We asked how the event went on.

"During the International Week we could see the university campus with its modern laboratories, a library, a student club, a gym, a canteen and other premises. We learned more details about the study programmes, which are offered by the XAMK. We also discussed how the General Nursing study programme is taught in various countries and listened to interesting presentations of experts from other partner universities. Moreover, we had a tour at the local hospital, which opened in April 2022."

As a bonus, the event allows to get familiar with the neighbourhood and get a glimpse of lives of the locals. “We looked around the Olavinlinna, the local castle, experienced the Finnish sauna and tried local food in a restaurant."

“The XAMK students enjoy truly wonderful facilities and surroundings, their study programmes are well-thought and they appreciate foreign students, which receive 100% attention. We definitely recommend the study in Savonlinna University!” concludes Ms. Nevyhoštěná.

The enclosed photos prove that a stay in Finland can be an interesting and pleasant experience. If you got interested in studies in Savonlinna and you would like to get more information, you can get in touch with Ms. Kateřina Prstková, the coordinator for the ERASMUS+ programme at our faculty.


18. 5. 2022
General partners
  • KNL, a.s.
  • LK
  • ZZS LK