
Visit to Berufsakademie Sachsen in Bautzen, Germany

On June 16th, 2022 the representatives of the Faculty of Health Studies led by prof. Ing. Aleš Richter, CSc, the Vice-Dean for Science and Research, visited Berufsakademie Sachsen in Bautzen, Germany.

The initial meeting with prof. Dr Daniel Raabe, the Lecturer for Biomedical Engineering and Biophysics at the Berufsakademie Sachsen, took place in mid-May this year in Liberec. This subsequent visit aimed at a better understanding of the Biomedical Technology study programme and at finding areas and ways of mutual cooperation in the future.

Berufsakademie Sachsen offers dual study, where the students spend 3 months at school studying and 3 months at a company, where they undergo practical training. The academy will become a small-scale university in two years.

Dipl. Ing. Mahdi Abdel-Haq, the Head of the laboratories, showed the representatives of the faculty around the modern laboratories and made them acquainted with various tools and equipment, which students can utilize for their practical training. There are for example delta robots, x-rays, an endoscope, a dialysis machine, defibrillators, and an EEG device.

Ms Ilona Scherm, the representative for international and intercultural affairs at the Academy, expressed a desire for mutual cooperation both in form of short mobility (so-called Blended Intensive Programme within the Erasmus+ programme), and short exchange stays of students and staff.

The Director of the Academy, prof. Dr Barbara Wuttke warmly welcomed the Czech delegation and enabled them to climb to the tower of the Academy building, where there is a breath-taking view of the town and the picturesque surroundings.

The meeting was conducted in a friendly atmosphere. Both sides expressed their interest in cooperation, mainly in the area of Biomedical Technology/Engineering. Sharing good practices, quality education, the possibility to use well-equipped laboratories and lecture halls, and short exchange study visits would be beneficial for both institutions.

Inside the laboratories of the Berufsakademie Sachsen

The laboratories of the Berufsakademie Sachsen in Bautzen

8. 7. 2022
General partners
  • KNL, a.s.
  • LK
  • ZZS LK