
Mass Casualty Incident Exercise

DIFFERENT LANGUAGE - JOINT APPROACH was a two-day exercise on managing mass casualty incidents, which took place on September 21st and 22nd, 2022. The event organiser was the Emergency Medical Service of the Liberec Region.

The students of the Paramedic Study Programme at the Faculty of Health Studies of the Technical University of Liberec took part in the event as casualty volunteers. Their role was to simulate various degrees of injury. The lecturers from our faculty took part in the exercise as mentors and referees. The lecturers from our university, our colleagues from the Wroclaw Medical University and paramedics, made up a joint medical rescue team.

On the first day of the exercise, they had a unique opportunity to experience four incidents (an active shooter, a gas leak at the ice arena, a mass fight in a pub, and a car accident involving a car colliding with a van). The other day there was a simulation of a mass incident involving a train and a van collision with 120 casualties.

The exercise was organised within a joint Czech-Polish project. Moreover, it helped to strengthen the existing cooperation between the Technical University of Liberec and the Wroclaw Medical University.


5. 10. 2022
General partners
  • KNL, a.s.
  • LK
  • ZZS LK