
Mountain Rescue Service Training at our Faculty

Our faculty collaborates closely with the Mountain Rescue Service of the Czech Republic. We hosted the rescuers and offered them our premises and modern patient simulators for their training.

The rescue team came from The Jizerské Mountains Mountain Rescue Service. The aim of the training was to get better acquainted with sudden cardiac arrest and the need of immediate resuscitation.

The rescuers were able to perfect the way they performed resuscitation by means of using SimMan 3G, the newest patient simulation model. SimMan can simulate a wide range of urgent conditions. It can breathe or stop breathing, wink, speak, or wheeze. It is operated remotely by the use of a tablet. It contains a monitor, which provides us with information on vital signs.

A simulator like this gives rescuers feedback during and after the training. This training was recorded on a camera. Later on, it was used for debriefing, when the lecturers and trainees met and evaluated their performance during the rescue operation. An on-site doctor evaluated the rescue from the medical point of view, a dispatcher commented on the communication during the rescue, and a paramedic evaluated how well the airways were secured.

8. 3. 2023
General partners
  • KNL, a.s.
  • LK
  • ZZS LK