
Field Trip to the Proton Therapy Centre

In early December 2023, the Year 3 students of the Radiological Assistance Study Programme made a field trip to the Proton Therapy Centre in Prague. The field trip was part of their practical training within the Radiotherapy 3 subject.


The students saw a presentation of the Proton Centre and learned about the specifics of the proton treatment. During the excursion, they had the opportunity to see treatment planning, physical characteristics of proton radiation, the construction of the cyclotron itself, the instrumentation of the irradiation rooms, clinical applications, advanced radiotherapy techniques of external irradiation including breathing rate sensing and configuration of irradiators.

Our students can have their practical training at the centre or apply for a job there after their graduation. Our thanks go to all those who spent their time with and invested their energy in our students.

9. 1. 2024
General partners
  • KNL, a.s.
  • LK
  • ZZS LK