
Accredited Study Programmes

Bachelor Study Programmes:  
 B0913P360030 General Nursing P
 B0913P360016 Paramedic P
 B0914P360009 Radiological Assistance P
 B0914P360007 Biomedical Technology P
Follow-up Master Study Programme:  
 N0914P360003 Biomedical Engineering P

 Form of Study: P - full-time form

 Admission Requirements for the Bachelor Study Programmes:
Applicants must have completed secondary education including the school-leaving exam. A medical certificate is required to confirm that the applicant meets the health criteria stated for the study and pursuit of the profession based on valid legislation.
 Admission Requirements for the Follow-up Master Study Programme:
Graduation from bachelor study programme including acquiring of suitability to perform the profession of the biomedical technician. A medical certificate is required to confirm that the applicant meets the health criteria stated for the study and pursuit of the profession based on valid legislation.


General partners
  • KNL, a.s.
  • LK
  • ZZS LK